Most every land development project will involve ADA compliance in one way or another. ADA refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which has its Standards for Accessible Design. All State and local government agencies, private employers, and businesses are required to comply with ADA standards, which come into play with any building or site improvements. While some projects may be specific to ADA upgrades only, every Site Improvement Plan that we prepare will undergo some type of review for ADA compliance.
We prepare ADA-compliant plans for site development work, often in the form of a Grading Plan. Sidewalk paths of travel, ramps, and ADA-accessible parking stalls all have to meet strict standards for slopes and configuration, all driven by the California Building Code (CBC). Whether you have to improve your existing building or site to meet current codes, or you have a new project, we will make sure that the project meets ADA standards.
Using fundamental engineering principles to design and develop structures, systems, and environments that prioritize your safety and well-being. From site design, roadways, and utility systems (water and sewer) to grading and stormwater management, our team is committed to delivering high-quality results that meet your unique needs.