A Drainage Report is required on many land development projects in order to analyze and mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff from a project. The stormwater requirements for most projects seek to mimic the pre-project conditions of a project site in its post-project design. New impervious surfaces (i.e. concrete, asphalt, buildings) create higher peak flows in less time than undeveloped pervious surfaces (i.e. grasses, dirt, trees), and they do not infiltrate well. Thus, most projects have to mitigate for these impacts. A project may need to detain stormwater underground and have stormwater runoff slowly meter out into the public storm drain system. Most projects will need to implement some type of Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater treatment devices to slow down runoff, temporarily store it, and also help remove hydrocarbons from vehicles prior to entering the storm drain system. Pipe and inlet capacity is analyzed and design so that drainage can be conveyed adequately off-site.
The Drainage Report will analyze the project in all these areas and describe how the project is meeting State and local standards. The entire storm drain system will then be designed based on this analysis. Stormwater calculations and drainage models often go along with the report, as each jurisdiction has different standards/criteria they use.
Using fundamental engineering principles to design and develop structures, systems, and environments that prioritize your safety and well-being. From site design, roadways, and utility systems (water and sewer) to grading and stormwater management, our team is committed to delivering high-quality results that meet your unique needs.